8 Tower Crane Safety Tips

Tower cranes are the most important and biggest cranes used in construction projects and are available with most crane rentals. These cranes can erect hundreds of feet above the ground and also have a big reach compared to any other crane. With such a huge structure, tower cranes require everyone from the project manager to the operator to strictly follow safety measures. We’re discussing safety tips that must be followed for using tower cranes.

Hire An Expert Engineer Specializing In Tower Crane Operations

Construction projects are of different types and you need a qualified engineer who has specialized in tower crane operations to go through the requirements of your construction project and select the right size, type, and number of cranes.

The engineer creates proper plans for all the operations of the tower crane and when and how it will be used throughout the project.

These plans are reviewed by the building department and work commences only if the plans are approved by the said department.

Additionally, you will need to hire an independent inspector to review the plans of the engineer and approve the plans.

Safety Training Of The Workers

Completion of the tower crane safety training is essential for all the workers and crew who will take part in the tower crane activities. The safety training stresses fall protection, assembling the tower crane and disassembling it, pre-lift planning, calculation of weights to be lifted, an inspection of equipment, and communication signals.

Furthermore, before the beginning of the job, the general contractor should call a general meeting of all the people who will take part in the project.

Risk Assessment Plan

The tower crane operation won’t start before the creation of a full risk assessment plan. The plan will mention every tower crane operation and the sequence of steps that will be taken for the operation. The plan also lists potential hazards during that specific operation and the measures workers must take to eliminate hazards.

Keep in mind that the job safety plan is created by the contractor and is reviewed by the construction manager. After approval, the contractor must review the plan with his/her crew.

Wind Action Plan

Tower cranes are big structures. Their operation can be impacted by wind. Therefore, you must develop a wind action plan as well. The plans show safety measures recommended by the crane manufacturer and the local municipal agency.

Creating A Rigging Program

Before the tower crane operation, a rigging program is also required. You must hire a qualified rigger for the program who will monitor the rigging activities. The rigger will ensure safety and can instruct to remove equipment that is unsafe or the wrong type of equipment for the task at hand.

Not only that, but the rigger will also be responsible for the selection of the rigging equipment and the inspection of the equipment before the project. Moreover, the storage and maintenance of equipment should also be taken into account.

Calculating The Loads

A critical safety practice is the calculation of the weight of the load. Moreover, you should also factor in the boom dimensions and the working radius. All the calculations are done to avoid putting a load on a crane above its rated capacity to prevent accidents.

Avoiding Power Lines

You must consider overhead power lines in the area. And if they are within the rotation radios of the tower crane, make sure it is included in the plan and proper safety is ensured.

Wind Speed Monitoring

Wind speed is a huge factor in the operation of tower cranes. Therefore, the tower crane should have anemometers. They can measure average wind speed and wind gusts.

The safety plan should already have a safe wind speed and the work must be stopped effectively if the wind speed is over that level. Not only that, even when the wind speed is lower than dangerous levels, if the crane operator feels that the weather conditions pose a threat to the safety of the operation, they should have the authority to stop the operation.


The big size of tower cranes requires a proper operation plan to avoid accidents. Work with the right workers, engineers, and crane services DC for the operation of tower cranes and the successful completion of your construction project.

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